Tag Archives: chestnuts

PFC May 9 – Dr. Jenise Bauman

At our meeting this week on Thursday, May 9, Dr. Jenise Bauman from Western Washington University will give a presentation on environmental changes and in addition will talk about chestnut trees.  We’ll also be having our annual plant swap.  Bring extra plants, bulbs, or potted plants you want to give away or trade for something else.  Doors open at 6:40 for social time, and the presentation starts at 7 pm.  We meet at the Sheridan Park Community Center, 680 Lebo Blvd., in Bremerton.

Summer BeeLine posted

The WCFS newsletter The BeeLine has been posted in the Members Only section. The topics include: WA Fair WCFS Booth, AYLS in kiwifruit, Erik Simpson’s Nut Trees, Chestnuts on Olympic Peninsula, Safe Mushrooming, Apple bitter pit, Summer Pruning of Apples and Pears, Cherry Fruit Bud Hardiness, Sour cherry research, Cherry crisp recipe, High-Tunnel Peaches, Beekeeping, Plants that repel bugs.