PFC July 13 – Tomatoes with Sam Maupin

This month’s meeting is Thursday, July 11.  Sam Maupin from The Brothers Greenhouses will be giving a talk on growing tomatoes.  Join us at the Sheridan Park Community Center, 680 Lebo Blvd., Bremerton.  Doors open at 6:40 p.m. for social time.  Meeting starts at 7.

PFC May 9 – Dr. Jenise Bauman

At our meeting this week on Thursday, May 9, Dr. Jenise Bauman from Western Washington University will give a presentation on environmental changes and in addition will talk about chestnut trees.  We’ll also be having our annual plant swap.  Bring extra plants, bulbs, or potted plants you want to give away or trade for something else.  Doors open at 6:40 for social time, and the presentation starts at 7 pm.  We meet at the Sheridan Park Community Center, 680 Lebo Blvd., in Bremerton.

PFC April 11 – Hydromulch & hugelkultur with Ben Weiss

This month’s meeting on April 11 will feature Ben Weiss from WSU Mt. Vernon speaking about hydromulch and hugelkultur.  Meetings are open to the public and are held in the Sheridan Park Community Center, 680 Lebo Blvd., Bremerton.  Doors open at 6:40 pm for social time, and the speaker will start at 7 pm.

PFC Spring Grafting Show – March 16, 2024

Join us Saturday, March 16, from 10 AM to 4 PM, at the West Side Improvement Club, 4109 West E Street, Bremerton 98312.

Peninsula Fruit Club presents the 2024 Spring Grafting Show.

Learn how to graft and make your own fruit tree, or have one of our members make it for you. Add varieties to existing trees. Beginners welcome! Choose from hundreds of antique and modern varieties of apples, pears, plums, and more. We will be selling EMLA 26, Bud 10, and Geneva 969 apple rootstock, OHxF 87 pear rootstock, Myrobalan plum rootstock, and Krymsk 5 cherry rootstock; scion wood for grafting; and sticks of figs, grapes, and kiwis for rooting. We’ll have plum, cherry, and apple trees and blueberry bushes at the plant/tree sale as well as other plants, footies for insect protection, grafting knives, mason bees, houses and straws , and other supplies. Learn all about pests and diseases and what to do about them. Find out about our native mason bees and how to care for them. We’ll have lots of experts on hand to try to answer all your fruit related questions. Spend some time with us at the show and learn all kinds of interesting things. Admission is free, but donations are greatly appreciated.

PFC Nov. 9 – Hard Cider with Bill Sproules

This month’s meeting topic is about making hard cider.  Bill Sproules, retired previous owner of Olympic Brewing Supplies on Wheaton Way, will teach us about small batch fermentation.  The meeting is at the Sheridan Park Community Center, 680 Lebo Blvd., Bremerton, on Thursday, Nov. 9.  Doors open at 6:40 pm for social time, and the meeting starts at 7 pm.

Fall 2023 WCFS BeeLine Available Now.

The 2023_04_Fall BeeLine issue includes Reviving the BeeLine foreword, damson plums article, picking pears article, pear problems article, recipes, fig tree rescue article, and Grow a Little Fruit Tree book review.

PFC Oct.12 – Ken Miller on biochar

Ken Miller from Vashon will be teaching us about biochar at our next meeting on Thursday, Oct. 12 at 7 pm.  Ken’s presentation will start promptly at 7 pm.  We meet at the Sheridan Park Community Center, 680 Lebo Blvd., Bremerton.  Doors open at 6:40 pm for social time.

South Sound Fruit Society’s October 2023 Meeting

SSFS’s next meeting, Tuesday, October 3rd, 7 pm, will be held in person at GRuB and via Zoom.

We hope you will join us for the presentation “Gardening with Blueberries” from long time blueberry grower Glenn Aldrich, of Aldrich Berry Farm and Nursery, in Mossy Rock, WA.

From Glenn:  “My earliest exposure to blueberries would have been about 1943 or ’42.  Helped my dad, in a small way, to plant the first commercial blueberries in Lewis County in 1944. Those original plants came from Eberhardt Nursery on Steamboat Island Road and they are still in production.   I helped on the farm all through high school & college years and Wisten & I began our ownership in 1964.  We have experience with a dozen or two varieties, soil preparation, planting, pruning, weeds, insects & other pests, harvest…the ‘whole works’ and will share what I think I know, including my conclusions about varieties for home gardens vs commercial plantings.”

  GRuB (Garden-Raised Bounty)
                  2016 Elliott Ave NW
                  Olympia, WA 98502

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 846 1969 5064 Passcode: 242180

Please consider bringing a snack to share and bring questions about your fruit. I hope you can join us!

Peninsula Fruit Club 2023 Fall Fruit Show

The Peninsula Fruit Club 2023 Fall Fruit Show is just around the corner!  Save the date, Oct. 28, and come and taste to your heart’s content.  The show opens at 10 am and runs until 4 pm at the West Side Improvement Club, 4109 West E Street, Bremerton.  Get your mystery apples identified—bring 5 or 6 ripe, unwashed apples of each mystery variety in a paper bag, be sure the stems are still on, and tell us about the tree.  If they are ripe before the end of October, please store them in the refrigerator in a paper, not plastic, bag.  This year we are accepting leaf samples along with the apples.  Bring a 12” stem with leaves in a plastic bag.  The plastic bag with leaves can be put inside the paper bag of apples.  Come and learn about growing fruit, get your questions answered, stock up on items for next year, and buy something new at the plant and tree sale.  We can accept cash, checks, and credit cards.  Admission is free.

PFC Sept. 14 – Lisa DeVetter

PENINSULA FRUIT CLUB SEPT 14TH MEETING: Our presenter at the Sept 14 Fruit Club meeting is: Lisa Wasko DeVetter, Associate Professor, Small Fruit Horticulture. Lisa is from Washington State University Northwest Research and Extension Center (WSU NWREC, Mount Vernon). Lisa will give us an update on WSU NWREC’s mission and key projects, including providing info on blueberries. Due to her travel arrangements, Lisa will start presenting at 7:00 p.m. for approximately 40 minutes. The business meeting will be held afterwards. Join us at the Sheridan Park Community Center, 680 Lebo Blvd., Bremerton. Doors open at 6:40 p.m.